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How do you convert mph to fps or feet per second into mile per hour

Last Updated: 2006-08-29

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Question: How do you convert mph to fps

Posted by: MedicDVG
1 mile/hr is 5280 feet in 1 hour, or 5280 feet in 3600 seconds.
That boils down to around 1.46 feet/second.

so 290 feet per second would translate out to the following equation

290 feet | 1 mile | 60 sec | 60 Min
-------------------------------------------------- = Miles/hours
1 sec | 5280 feet | 1 min | 1 hr

Cancel your units, and you get 290 X 60 X 60 / 5280 = 197.7 Miles/hour

So a ball traveling 290 fps = roughly 198 mph

Make sense?

Now doing it the other way (Mph to fps)

198 Miles | 5280 Feet | 1 hr | 1 min
----------------------------------------------- = feet/sec
1 hour | 1 mile | 60 min | 60 sec

cancel you units and the equation is 198 X 5280 / 60 X 60 = 290.4 feet / sec
Originally Posted by Skylinux @ 2006-08-28 22:47:49


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